Texas Tech University

Mailbag: Help Is Near

Allen Ramsey

October 27, 2023

College Student

Let’s talk about people, purpose and believing in good.

Welcome back to the Mailbag!

To our loyal readers, we know you're probably expecting something today about Halloween, and that's a fair expectation. We normally talk about whatever holiday is upcoming and give you lists of things to do. 

This time we left that up to a couple of other people in the office and they did a wonderful job, freeing the Mailbag up to talk about… well… whatever we wanted to talk about. 

We started pondering what that should be and came to the conclusion that we wanted to talk about an uncomfortable topic that deserves more attention than we give it. 

Let's start with what sparked this and a few other contributing factors. 

A couple of weeks back there was a concert here in Lubbock featuring the Vandoliers (one of my favorite bands) and Bowling for Soup (if you know you know). 

They put on a great show, but dead in the middle of the sets, the lead singer for each band spoke, loudly and clearly, about dealing with depression and anxiety. They encouraged those who need help to reach out to a professional. Talk about your problems. Find the help you need. 

Admittedly, it didn't really hit home at that moment. But over the ensuing weeks, their sentiment kept coming to mind.

Now, normally, I'm not the “let's get in our feels” type of writer or person. I openly admit that. I don't often suffer from depression or anxiety and generally have a pretty laid-back and cheerful outlook on life.  

But nobody is immune. There were moments recently of being overwhelmed, both for myself and for others around me, that were reminders of that struggle. Some of those touchpoints were in my professional life, others in my personal life. 

As it happened, the topic of October being ADHD awareness month also came up, and that's when it hit home that this was, in fact, the perfect time to talk about mental health, resources available at Texas Tech University, and taking care of the people around us. 

Now, as a writer and not a physician, it's not my place to dive into ADHD, depression, anxiety, stress or any other medical condition. 

What I can do is offer hope, encouragement and resources. 

Beyond Okay

At Texas Tech we care deeply about not just our students, but our faculty, staff and the entire community. 

Because of that, we have things like Risk Intervention & Safety Education (RISE) and Beyond Okay

RISE has a crisis helpline available 24/7 at (806) 742-5555 for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis, sexual assault or interpersonal violence. RISE also offers drop-in hours on campus, monthly events and a blog written by trained peer educators on a variety of topics. 

Beyond Okay was started as a resource to address mental well-being following the COVID-19 pandemic and the unique challenges of that time. It has developed into a campus-wide effort to address all kinds of well-being. 

The Beyond Okay site is great for finding the connections and information you need when dealing with any kind of issue and has the resources available on campus to students and Texas Tech employees laid out very well. 

Whatever it is you're going through, the university is here to help. 

If you're struggling, reach out.

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