Texas Tech University

Mandela Washington Fellows Share Passion for Their Home Country

Paul Tubbs

July 10, 2023

Fellows will conduct Ignite Talk presentations with the chance to present to their peers at the national summit in Washington, D.C.

Mandela Washington Fellowship

WHAT:  Ignite Talk Presentation

WHEN:  5 p.m. Wednesday (July 12)

WHERE:  Texas Tech International Affairs Auditorium, 601 Indiana Ave.

Mandela Washington Fellowship

EVENT:  Members of the 2023 Mandela Washington Fellows will conduct Ignite presentations for their peers and the public. Texas Tech University's International Affairs (IA) has hosted the fellows since June 21 as part of a six-week academic and leadership training program. The Mandela Washington Fellowship began in 2014 in conjunction with the Young African Leaders Initiative to cultivate leaders between the ages of 25 and 35 from the Sub-Saharan region of the continent. 

The presentations are between three to five-minute talks where fellows share a topic impactful to their home country. After the presentations, Fellows will vote on the best presentation. The selected person will present at the Mandela Washington Fellowship Summit in Washington, D.C. the final week of July. 

Presentations begin at 5 p.m. IA asks those who wish to attend to please arrive by 4:45 p.m. Media wishing to speak with the Fellows prior to the presentation are asked to arrive by 4:30 p.m.


CONTACT:  Michael Johnson
Associate Director for International Grants Administration and Partnerships, International Affairs, Texas Tech University
(806) 742-3667