Texas Tech University

Apparel Design & Manufacturing Program Hosts Annual TechStyle Fashion Show

Breck Gavin

May 1, 2023

Fashion designs and collections created by students will be featured in this year’s show.


WHAT:  The 2023 TechStyle Fashion Show, an annual event hosted by Texas Tech University's Apparel Design & Manufacturing (ADM) program. 

WHEN:  5 p.m. Saturday (May 6) 

WHERE:  Museum of Texas Tech, 3301 Fourth St.

EVENT:  The ADM program in the Department of Design hosts the 2023 TechStyle Fashion Show, a unique opportunity for senior ADM majors to showcase a collection of their original pieces. The show also features pieces created by ADM students that were selected by a panel of judges. Individual admission tickets and sponsorship tickets can be purchased here


Photo Gallery


CONTACT:  Ashley Rougeaux-Burnes
ADM program director, Department of Design, College of Human Sciences, Texas Tech University
(806) 834-8208