Texas Tech University

Criminal Law Symposium focuses on Russia, Ukraine & Wartime Accountability

Allen Ramsey

April 11, 2023

Texas Tech’s School of Law will host a range of experts to discuss war crimes and wartime accountability in the modern age.


WHATTexas Tech University's School of Law hosts the 2023 Criminal Law Symposium titled, “Russia, Ukraine, and the Challenge of Wartime Accountability.”

WHEN:  8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday (April 14)

WHERE:  Lanier Auditorium, Texas Tech University School of Law, 3311 18th St. The lecture also will be presented virtually via Zoom.

EVENT:  The Law Review at Texas Tech's School of Law will host experts from the U.S. and abroad for the 2023 Criminal Law Symposium. Entitled “Russia, Ukraine, and the Challenge of Wartime Accountability,” the symposium will address a wide array of issues related to the application, implementation and accountability for violations of international humanitarian law in the context of the ongoing international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Jeff Kahn, a professor and internationally recognized expert on Russian law and tradition, is the keynote speaker for the event. Other notable panelists include the former vice president of the International Criminal Court; the current legal adviser to the International Criminal Court working on building cases against Russian war criminals; a professor from the University of Buenos Aires recognized as a leading international law expert in the Spanish speaking world; a current special assistant to the U.S. Ambassador at Large for Global Criminal Justice; a former U.S. Army prosecutor who secured a sentence of life in prison for Staff Sgt. Robert Bales for his murder rampage in an Afghan village; the retired senior military lawyer for all of the Canadian Armed Forces and an internationally recognized scholar in the field; the former special assistant for law of war matters for the U.S. Army JAG Corps; and the Chair of the U.S. Army JAG School National Security Law Division among others.

Registration for those intending to eat at the event closes Today (April 11), otherwise registration will continue until the day of the event. To register click here

Those attending the live lecture or viewing via Zoom are eligible for up to 6.5 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit. Contact Blake Groves at blake.groves@ttu.edu for details.


CONTACT:  Ashley Langdon
Assistant Dean of Alumni Relations and Communications, School of Law, Texas Tech University
(806) 834-7533