Texas Tech University

Now What? (Feb. 26-March 4)

Bri Lopez

February 23, 2023

"Big Five OH!"

Bri Lopez
Bri Lopez

Texas Tech student and intern, Bri Lopez, again answers the question, "Now What?" 

Red Line

Over the past 50 years, Pilobolus has performed around the globe in events ranging from the Oscars to the Olympics and collaborated with some of the world’s greatest influencers and creators. Their new “Big Five-OH!” anniversary tour celebrates just that. 

Don’t miss the chance to see this Emmy-winning modern dance performance.

Click here to purchase tickets.  

Red Line
Tonja Torgerson - Flesh - Bone

Tonja Torgerson will transform her workspace into Dissolution, a dystopic Garden of Eden filled with images of flora, insects and decomposing figures. 

Torgerson will use wheat-pasting and screen-printed collages of both symbolic and local plants to push the audience to contemplate the uncomfortable nature of mortality, impermanence and the frailty of the body in a lush but bleak environment. 

Click here to sign-up for the workshop and see additional dates. 

Red Line
Ambassadors Forum

Interested in International Affairs? If so, this event is for you. 

This year’s Ambassadors’ Forum will feature four distinguished, high-ranking former U.S. diplomats who will lead the discussion and address questions about the concept of a “global citizen” and its effect on major transnational issues.  

Red Line
  • DanceTech

    • 7:30 p.m. (March 2-4)

    • Black Box Theatre

    • $5 for students, $15 general admission

Featuring an engaging collection of choreography by Texas Tech dance faculty and new work from a surprise guest artist, this show is sure to make a lasting impression.

Click here for more information.

Red Line

Click here for a comprehensive list of next week’s events (Feb. 26-March 4).



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