You had to be there.

Looking for something to do?
Below are just a few of the events happening next week!

- Volunteer at Lubbock Impact
- 4-7 p.m. Wednesday (Sept. 21)
- 2707 34th St.
- Free
Struggling with the urge to do something more? VOLUNTEER!
Personally, I love to volunteer. My favorite place to spend my extra time would have to be children's shelters. Watching kids interact with each other and having very little sense of the stressful situation their family is in really makes you appreciate what you have. Also, children have absolutely no filter, which makes conversation particularly interesting.
While this event isn't focused on our youth, it is a very humbling experience and an excellent opportunity to give back to the community.
Join the Student Activities Board in this volunteer event to help prepare and pack a meal for Lubbock Impact, a nonprofit community outreach ministry designed to support the residents of Lubbock who are in difficult economic situations.
Oh, and did I mention you have the chance to earn service hours? Remember, Texas Tech is trying to hit 1 million this year.

- Late Night Movie: “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”
- 10-11:59 p.m. Thursday and Friday (Sept. 22 and 23)
- Escondido Theatre in the basement of the Student Union Building (SUB)
- Free with Texas Tech Student ID
The film “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” is the sequel to the 2016 movie “Doctor Strange.”
The movie follows Doctor Strange as he attempts to protect America Chavez, a teenager capable of traveling the multiverse, from Wanda Maximoff.
This movie currently holds a spot in the Top 10 Highest Grossing Films of 2022 Worldwide. But according to Google users, only 78% liked this movie…I would think it would be higher, given the $755.8 million profit?

- Sensory Bottles
- Noon-2 p.m. Friday (Sept. 23)
- SUB Courtyard
- Free with Texas Tech Student ID
Then this event is something you MUST attend.
Sensory bottles, sometimes called “discovery bottles” or “calm down jars,” are containers filled with various materials such as glitter, beads, cotton balls, etc., that are believed to encourage mindfulness and focus and to calm breathing when feeling overwhelmed. Apparently, this is achieved by just watching whatever you put in the bottle float around.
When I first heard of this event, my mind said, “Oh, OK, it's kind of like you're making your own lava lamp…without the lava and the psychedelic vibes.”
I've never made one before, so I have no idea if this actually works, but throwing random things into a bottle sounds fun.

- Raidergate: Texas Tech vs. Texas
- All day Saturday (Sept. 24)
- R3 Parking Lot (South of Texas Tech's University Library)
- Free with Texas Tech Student ID
If you don't show up to this event, are you really even a Red Raider?
Raidergate, a tailgating tradition, features a variety of student organizations that come together to support our team and get everyone hyped up before the game.
If you've never been to Raidergate or a Texas Tech football game, this is one you won't want to miss.
The question is: who will win? The Red Raiders or the Longhorns? Only one way to find out but my money's on the team in red.

Click here for a comprehensive list of next week's events (Sep. 18-24).