Texas Tech University

Texas Tech at Jefferson Hosts Official Ribbon Cutting and Open House

Lucy Greenberg

June 22, 2022

Due to pandemic restrictions, the site was unable to host the event during its official launch.

Open House

WHAT:  Texas Tech University at Jefferson Professional Development & Academic Advising site will host its official ribbon cutting and open house.

WHEN:  9-11:30 a.m. Saturday (June 25) 

WHERE:  The Jeffersonian Institute, 120 E. Austin St., #100, Jefferson, TX

EVENT:  Tours of the facility and light refreshments will be available. 

“Since we officially launched during the pandemic, an open house and ribbon-cutting celebration were put on hold,” said Brian Brooks, site coordinator. “As everyone else makes their way to a new kind of 'normal', we thought this would be a great time to reintroduce ourselves.” 

According to Brooks, the primary focus of the site is to bring more professional development opportunities to the community both in-person and online, meeting professionals where they are. 

Media are invited to attend the event.

Brian Brooks
Program coordinator, eLearning & Academic Partnerships, Texas Tech University 
(806) 834-1909