Texas Tech University

National Ranching Heritage Center Offers Summer Youth Classes

Glenys Young

May 25, 2022


Activities range from wagon-building and practicing ranch skills to producing a Western movie.

Children who have completed first through fifth grade will have unique opportunities for summer activities through Texas Tech University's National Ranching Heritage Center (NRHC). The Summer Youth Classes will run from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. June 13-17.

Summer Youth Classes
Summer Youth Classes meet the Texas Tech Masked Rider and Raider Red at the NRHC.

Summer Youth Class options for children who have completed first or second grade include pioneer living and ranch hands or ranch arts and crafts, while class options for students who have completed third through fifth grades include frontier crafts and trades and ranch art or Western movie-making.

From building a covered wagon, exploring historic structures and learning important ranch skills to studying ranching history through art projects and producing a Western movie, there is a Summer Youth Class activity for all areas of interest.

All classes will take place at the NRHC and will be taught by professional educators and NRHC staff. Registration is $100 for Ranching Heritage Association members and $125 for non-members. Registrants are expected to attend the full five days of classes. For more information or to register, visit ranchingheritage.org or contact Julie Hodges at julie.hodges@ttu.edu

About the National Ranching Heritage Center

The NRHC is a 27-acre museum and historical park that offers educational programs and exhibits about ranching history and contemporary ranching issues. The center is located at 3121 Fourth St. in Lubbock. It is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 1-5 p.m. Sunday. Admission is free, and the historical park is wheelchair and stroller accessible.