Why is Computer Science Unpopular Among Women?
Sep 24, 2021
Kevin Harmon and Eric Walden examine theories behind the IT sector’s gender gap.
Tags: Provost, Academics, Stories, Rawls College of Business Administration
Sep 24, 2021
Kevin Harmon and Eric Walden examine theories behind the IT sector’s gender gap.
Tags: Provost, Academics, Stories, Rawls College of Business Administration
Sep 24, 2021
Team members Ansleigh Brister, Valerie Carpenter and Laura Werner earned a $10,000 scholarship for the university.
Tags: Provost, College of human sciences, Achievements, Academics, Stories
Sep 24, 2021
The season opens Oct. 5-10 with Lauren Yee’s dark comedy “In a word.”
Tags: Academics, Provost, College of Visual and Performing Arts, Stories, Events
Sep 24, 2021
Texas Tech University’s Raghu Betha received a National Science Foundation grant to study the differing effects of woodburning and electrical thermal storage heating on the air quality in Alaska.
Tags: Academics, Stories, Provost, Research, College of Engineering, Vice President for Research