A group from Davis College will be livestreaming a class to nearly 70,000 students across Texas.
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Texas Tech Quail, part of Texas Tech University's Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, is taking part in the Texas Farm Bureau's Farm From School program.

Brad Dabbert, the Burnett Foundation Endowed Professor of Quail Ecology, will lead a team from Texas Tech and livestream an event from their study site on the Pitchfork Ranch. The program will be broadcast to nearly 3,000 classes and nearly 70,000 kindergarten and elementary-age students across Texas.
Farm From School is available to all public, private and homeschool educators across Texas and provides students with the ability to virtually visit farms and ranches from the comfort of their normal learning environments.
Story Contact
Brad Dabbert, Burnett Foundation Endowed Professor of Qual Ecology
(806) 742-2841 or brad.dabbert@ttu.edu
- “One of our goals at Texas Tech Quail is to spark interest in wildlife management and specifically quail management at an early age. Providing teachers and students this streaming event gives them a window into what we do on a day-to-day basis and enhances their science education.”
- “Our hope is that by reaching so many classrooms we can highlight the Department of Natural Resources Management at Texas Tech and hopefully interest students in coming here and becoming our next generation of professional wildlife biologists.”