Texas Tech University

Commencement Schedule Announced for Spring 2023 Graduates

Lucy Greenberg

May 9, 2023

Texas Tech will hold its spring commencement ceremonies during its centennial year May 12-13.

Graduation Cap gif

WHAT:  Texas Tech University to host spring commencement ceremonies.


11 a.m. Friday (May 12)

3 p.m. Friday (May 12)

6:30 pm. Friday (May 12)

9 a.m. Saturday (May 13)

1 p.m. Saturday (May 13)

WHERE:  United Supermarkets Arena, 1701 Indiana Ave.

EVENTCeremonies can be viewed online via livestream. Media may sit in section 121. 

The Clear Bag Policy is in effect for all commencement ceremonies. For more information about commencement, including maps and parking, visit the commencement website.


CONTACT:  Amiee Dixon
Commencement coordinator, Office of the Provost, Texas Tech University
(806) 834-7644