Texas Tech University

Events (Feb. 5-11)

Bri Lopez

February 3, 2023


Bri Lopez
Bri Lopez

Texas Tech student and intern, Bri Lopez, again answers the question, "Now What?" 

Red Line
  • Texas Techspo
    • 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday (Feb. 7)
    • Student Union Building (SUB Ballroom)
    • Free

Covering a variety of topics including financial aid, student activities, academic assistance and health and wellness, Techspo is your one-stop shop for information about all on-campus resources.

To top it off, Techspo will have giveaways, raffles and more!

Red Line
Theatre Season

“The Secretaries” is a play from the Five Lesbian Brothers theater company written by Maureen Angelos, Babe Davy, Dominique Dibbell, Peg Healey and Lisa Iron.

Featuring a murderously dark sense of humor, this satirical comedy takes an unflinching look at the warping cultural expectations of femininity.

Red Line

Click here for a comprehensive list of next week's events (Feb. 5-11).