Texas Tech University

Compare Student Credit Cards

John Kiernan

December 20, 2022

WALLET HUB - WalletHub makes student credit card comparison easy.

Compare student credit card offers from major credit card companies to find the right card for you. By comparing student credit cards before you apply, you can increase the odds of getting approved for a card with a $0 annual fee, attractive rewards or a low introductory interest rate. So, compare the cards listed below (some are from WalletHub partners), and use the filters on the page to further customize the results.

Ask the Expert

Sonya Lutter Ph.D., CFP®, LMFT –  Professor of Practice, Financial Health & Wellness Director, Texas Tech University, College of Human Sciences, School of Financial Planning

  • What attributes would you say the best student credit cards share?
  • What is the best way for a college student to use a credit card?
  • What is the biggest mistake that college students make with credit cards?
  • What is your best piece of advice for a college student who is considering applying for a credit card?
  • Should credit cards be easier or harder for college students to get (or is it just right)?

To read Lutter's responses, click here.