Clint Roof helps new veterinarians become confident in applying their skills and knowledge in rural and regional veterinary medicine.
Clint Roof's passion for animals began at an early age on a ranch outside of Las Cruces, New Mexico. His curiosity about biology, science and animal medicine turned into a call to fulfill a need as a veterinarian in rural New Mexico – a call he answered.
Roof's personal mission is similar to that of Texas Tech University School of Veterinary Medicine in Amarillo. Roof is driven to produce new veterinarians who will be confident, comfortable and capable of applying their knowledge and skills to rural and regional communities. As an assistant professor of general veterinary practice, he brings his invaluable experience to the school as he shares the art and science of rural veterinary medicine with students.
“This position aligns well with my ambitions and keen interest in sharing my knowledge base and enthusiasm with students and colleagues to ensure the continued progression and development of the next generation of veterinary practitioners, both small and large,” Roof said.
Roof has been in the private practice world for eight years since graduating from Kansas State University. He believes in the effectiveness of hands-on training and how it enriches a student's confidence, knowledge base, and clinical reasoning.
Roof will educate his students by integrating teaching moments in real-world, hands-on scenarios backed up by evidence-based conversations. Through this, he hopes to cement an understanding of important concepts into his students' minds.
“Dr. Roof is outstanding,” said Guy Loneragan, dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine. “He is the very type of veterinarian of what we are striving to graduate. More than that, Clint is a fantastic teacher, a wonderful person, and he is a calming influence during those high-paced times that frequently occur in medical education. Clint adds so much to our School.”
Before joining Texas Tech, Roof formed a business called Rafter R Veterinary Services, where he spent six of his eight years providing mobile large-animal services to his patients. He is also a current partner in Bovine Veterinary Services where he assists dairy and beef producers in southeast New Mexico and West Texas.
Currently, Roof is licensed to practice veterinary medicine in four different states: New Mexico, Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma. He also is a member of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, the Texas Veterinary Medical Association, and the New Mexico Veterinary Medical Association.
“Dr. Clint Roof was a tough cookie to hire as he was so dedicated to his clientele and practice,” said John Dascanio, senior associate dean for academic and student affairs. “He is personally connected to the veterinary needs of rural and regional communities and he effectively conveys that to our students. He not only brings practical regional veterinary expertise, but a drive for community responsibility to our students for their integral role in those communities. He is a calm, thoughtful, hard worker who has gone beyond my expectations in his work ethic and also his commitment. He and his wife, Trista Mills, are making an impact at the School of Veterinary Medicine.”