Welcome to our weekly question-and-answer session where you, the loyal Red Raiders, send us your queries and we go looking for answers.
Welcome to the Mailbag!
Our job here at the Office of Communications & Marketing is to get you the information you need. The task can be complicated at times because, well, we don't always know what you don't know.
Sure, we tell you the big stories. You'll hear from us any time there's a new center brought to campus, like the one Texas Tech University was just awarded funding for from the National Science Foundation. We're more than happy to tell you when there's a new dean or a new place to eat in the Student Union Building, but that doesn't mean we touch on everything YOU need to know.
So, in an effort to better serve the Red Raider nation, we'd like to offer you the chance to send us some questions. We'll dig into the old mailbag weekly and pick out a few submissions and, in the very common event that nobody in our office has an immediate answer, we'll do what we can to chase the information down for you.
Now, we need you to understand that this column's mission isn't to answer every question. Honestly, it's not always our place to speak on certain matters and yes, despite what your middle school teacher told you, there is such a thing as a bad question.
That being said, we'll do our best to get you a response if your question seems like one that, 1. we can find an answer for and, 2. is something we feel will be useful information for a large section of our community.
Here's where you, the Raider family, come in.
If you've ever wanted some clarity about the history of Texas Tech; where our traditions come from; what programs, clubs, societies and events are available; which dorms offer the best amenities or, really, just about anything else about the campus community, Lubbock, or the university, shoot us a question.
Once we find the answers we seek, we'll toss them out here on Texas Tech Today for the world to enjoy.
Send your questions here and we'll start working on answers. The mailbag is open and ready for your queries!