Texas Tech University

Biological Threat Research Laboratory to Conduct Closed Incident Response Exercise

Elyssa Sanders

December 7, 2021

The annual event is not open to media.

WHAT:  Hazardous materials training exercise

WHEN:  8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday (Dec. 9)

WHERE:  The Institute of Environmental and Human Health (TIEHH), Building 555, Reese Technology Center

EVENT:  Texas Tech University's Biological Threat Research Laboratory (BTRL) in the Department of Environmental Toxicology will host a joint exercise with the University Medical Center EMS and other local agencies to practice and evaluate its response plans in the event of a potential hazardous-materials incident. The training exercise is not open to media.


CONTACT: Steve Presley
Director, TIEHH, Texas Tech University
(806) 834-8260