Texas Tech University

Texas Tech Donors Gave $109.9 Million in 2021 Fiscal Year

George Watson

October 14, 2021

From the opening of the Texas Tech School of Veterinary Medicine to new scholarships and facilities, donor generosity continues to advance Texas Tech

Texas Tech University donors contributed more than $109.9 million to the university in the 2021 fiscal year, the Office of Advancement announced today. This support plays a critical role in sustaining and advancing Texas Tech's commitment to student opportunities and success and research excellence.

“In a year that began with uncertainty, Texas Tech alumni and supporters continue to generously invest in higher education and meaningful research,” said Byron Kennedy, vice president for the Office of Advancement. “A phenomenal number of people are passionate about our students, employees and programs.”

A large portion of these donations helped provide scholarships for 17,118 students, enabling more students to pursue higher education and become part of the Texas Tech network. 

“We are extremely grateful for our alumni and friends who have shared their generosity with Texas Tech,” said Texas Tech President Lawrence Schovanec. “They enhance the value of the Texas Tech education and student experience. Their continued support strengthens the Texas Tech brand and the stature of our university.”

Donations that contributed to the $109.9 million funded scholarships, campus improvements, academic and spirit programs, research and athletics. Highlights of the 2021 fiscal year's contributions from generous donors include:

The fiscal year for the Texas Tech Office of Advancement runs from Sept. 1, 2020, through Aug. 31, 2021.

To learn more about giving opportunities to Texas Tech, contact the Office of Advancement at (806) 742-2211 or give.ttu.edu.