Texas Tech University

University to Host Suicide Prevention Week

Lucy Greenberg

September 1, 2021

RISE is sponsoring events on Texas Tech’s campus and in the Lubbock community to raise awareness during National Suicide Prevention Week.

suicide prevention logo

The Risk Intervention & Safety Education Department (RISE) at Texas Tech University is bringing awareness to suicide prevention Sept. 7-11 during National Suicide Prevention Week (NSPW).

RISE aims to teach what individuals can do to lessen the stigma of getting help for mental health, how to talk to someone who may be thinking about suicide, and what resources are available for suicide prevention at Texas Tech and in Lubbock.

Suicide is a worldwide public health crisis. With 4 in 10 adults reporting experiencing mental health concerns in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, talks about destigmatizing mental health and stressing the importance of suicide prevention are more important than ever. 

To raise awareness, RISE will host events specifically designed for Texas Tech students to get socially connected. RISE will offer free drinks during its Coffee & Consent events from 9-11 a.m. on Sept. 7 at the TTU Bookstore and the Honors Hall Starbucks. A mental health resource fair will be held in the North Plaza outside of the Student Union Building (SUB) from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sept. 8. On Sept. 9, RISE will host a Glow in the Dark Yoga experience starting at 6:30 p.m. in room 114 of the Robert H. Ewalt Student TTU Recreation Center. 

Lastly, RISE will host a community-wide glow walk for suicide prevention on Sept. 9, featuring mental health resources, speakers from the Lubbock chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and a walk through Urbanovsky Park. Participants should meet at the north entrance of the Rec Center at 7:30 p.m. There will be free T-shirts for attendees while supplies last. 

Additionally, RISE will update its social media channels (@tturise) daily with suicide prevention education and positive mental health messaging. RISE also has created GIFs for SPW to help raise virtual support, which can be found on Instagram and Snapchat by searching “TTU SPW”.