Texas Tech University

Texas Tech to Host Third Annual 'I'm First-Gen' Summit

George Watson

April 6, 2021

The summit is an opportunity for students and educators to promote access to higher education for first-generation college students.


WHAT: The third annual “I'm First-Gen” Summit, hosted by First Generation Transition & Mentoring Programs and TRIO Student Support Services, both housed within the Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DDEI) at Texas Tech University.

WHEN: 1-7:30 p.m. Thursday (April 8)

WHERE: Via Zoom. Those wishing to register for the summit may do so here by Wednesday, April 7 at 3 p.m.

EVENT: The third annual First-Gen Student Summit is an opportunity for students to engage in community while learning from presenters who will share resources that celebrate, educate, and empower the first-generation identity.

Examples of the sessions being offered at the summit include:

  • Eye of the Storm: Maintaining Peace in a Frantic World
  • Career Development sessions (First-Gen Career Starter Kit, First to Be a Doctor, Post-Graduate Paths for Business Majors)
  • Admissions & Financial Aid Sessions for High School Students
  • Graduate School Preparation Advice, along with a panel of current first-gen graduate students (First-Gen & In Grad School? Let's Talk)

La'Tonya Reese Miles, dean of Student Affairs at Menlo College, will deliver the keynote addresses for the summit. Miles is a first-generation college graduate who has established two successful programs for first-generation college students at UCLA and Loyola-Marymount University. Both programs were recognized as First-Gen Forward institutions.

The keynote address for high school students and families will be from 5-5:50 p.m., while the college student keynote will be from 6-6:50 p.m.

CONTACTShruti Nelson
Assistant director for First Generation Transition & Mentoring Programs and the Dream Resource Center, Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
(806) 834-8632