The Texas Tech mascots for the 2021-2022 school year will begin their duties after the ceremonies.
WHAT: Texas Tech University's Transfer of Reins and Passing of the Guns ceremonies.
WHEN: Friday (April 23)
- 3:30 p.m.: Transfer of Reins
- 5 p.m.: Passing of the Guns
WHERE: McKenzie-Merket Alumni Center, Texas Tech campus, 17th Street and University Avenue
EVENT: The Masked Rider Program's 60th rider will take the reins of Fearless Champion from 2020-2021 Texas Tech Masked Rider Cameron Hekkert. Following the Transfer of Reins ceremony, two graduating Raider Reds will be unmasked and pass their guns to two new students who will serve as the mascot for the upcoming academic year.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, attendance will be limited to 100 people and masks are required.
CONTACT: Stephanie Rhode
Director, Spirit Program
(806) 742-5433