Texas Tech University

Apparel Design & Manufacturing Program Hosts Techstyles Fashion Exhibition 2021

Glenys Young

April 27, 2021

The exhibition will feature juried designs and collections created by students.

Techstyles Fashion Exhibition 2021


The Techstyles Fashion Exhibition 2021, hosted by Texas Tech University's Apparel Design & Manufacturing (ADM) program.


10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday (May 15)


Charles Adams Studio Project, 5&J Gallery, 1106 5th St.


The ADM program in the Department of Design presents a two-day event of fashion created by senior ADM majors. The show features senior collections and juried designs, which a panel of judges deemed worthy of inclusion in the show. Individual admission tickets and sponsorship tickets can be purchased here.

In order to maintain proper social distancing and safety, the maximum number of people allowed inside the exhibition area at a time will be closely monitored.


Rachel Anderson Program director, Apparel Design & Manufacturing, Department of Design, College of Human Sciencesrachel.anderson@ttu.edu

(806) 834-4023