Texas Tech University

How Will COVID-19 Relief Bill Affect Your Taxes? Here's the Answer.

Glenys Young

March 12, 2021

Michael Noel

Michael Noel is an international expert in economics.

Thursday (March 11), President Joe Biden signed into law a sweeping $1.9 trillion COVID-19 economic relief package. Since then, Americans have begun asking what it means for them and, specifically, their tax returns.

Early filers have received their refunds already. People who filed a little later have been sitting in limbo, wondering what happens to their projected amounts now that the bill has been signed. College students are unsure if they will finally receive a stimulus, whether it would go to them or their parents, and whether it depends on if their parents claim them as dependents or not.

An international economics expert at Texas Tech University is available to explain what the bill means for them.

Michael D. Noel is a competition economist and economic expert in the areas of antitrust and mergers, business strategy, labor and employment, and other competition-related matters. Noel has published extensively on competition economics and is perhaps best known for his work on dynamic price competition in the oil and gas industry. He pioneered the now large professional literature on price cycles and price volatility in gasoline markets and is internationally known as a leading competition expert in the industry.


Michael D. Noel, professor of economics, michael.noel@ttu.edu